Tuesday, March 19, 2013

I feel...

I am not a robot...

I feel.

 I feel the warmth from a hug. I feel the chill from good music that touches my soul. I care about other peoples feelings and how they veiw me. I dont do things on command and I choose to do things that I enjoy and that make me happy. I do things for no reason just for fun, which to a robot would be illogical. I like to just sit and waste time listening to sounds and thinking about my day. I love and get attached to things to the point where I care more about their feelings and well being more than my own. I am attracted to certain features and personalities. I like spending time with people that I care about and just waste time away, although to humans we wouldnt call that wasting. We would call it truly living and loving the life you have. Take pride in the small things that make you human. Embrace that which defines you and makes you different from others. Dont focus on schedules and appointments, instead strive to live like today is your last day. Spend every moment trying to become a better person.

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